Supreme commander 2 multiplayer
Supreme commander 2 multiplayer

supreme commander 2 multiplayer supreme commander 2 multiplayer supreme commander 2 multiplayer

If you lower your latency by 500ms, you'll also lower your game response time by 1000ms, which corresponds to a second, and so on. Basically, your response time is 2x the latency which means, if you lower your latency by 250ms, you'll also reduce your game response time by 500ms, which is half a second. On the other hand, your game response time is the time it takes for the data and the corresponding event to reach the game server and then back to your computer. Latency is measured in milliseconds, and a second is composed of 1000 milliseconds. Latency (in an online gaming context) refers to the average total time that it takes for your computer to send data to the gaming server. Latency is a term that is commonly used in online gaming. The more responsive and 'twitchy' the game mechanic, the more critical it is to make sure your connection is both optimized AND smooth. When your ping spikes suddenly, it almost always results in a missed move in games like first-person shooters, MOBAs, or fighting games. These drastic ping spikes are your enemy when it comes to online games and latency-sensitive applications where real-time interaction is expected. A ping spike is what happens when your lag jumps suddenly, like when you go from a stable 10ms ping time to an unstable 300ms response. Unsurprisingly, you miss your critical move entirely! Not only do you lose the match, but now you're pissed off with your little brother.Ī ping spike is like having your brother shove you out of your chair right as you're about to make that move in Supreme Commander 2. BAM! Your little brother runs up and shoves you out of your chair. Imagine playing Supreme Commander 2, and you are about to make a critical move that requires the quickest reflexes.

Supreme commander 2 multiplayer